Li Shengwu, eldest son of Lee Hsien Yang and grandson of late Lee Kuan Yew has posted on his Facebook commenting that he has no intention of going into politics.
Sharing that he had given a statement to international news outlet, AFP, he stated that not only he intends never to go into politics, he believes that it would be bad for Singapore if any third-generation Lee went into politics and that the country must be bigger than one family.
He further wrote,

Today we are going to learn a lot about the country of my birth. We are going to learn whether (as I hope) the ruling party is still full of men and women of quality and strong character, or whether “it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”

Earlier on Wednesday, Li also posted on his Facebook about the joint statement that his father and aunt made in regards to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
Stating that it is an exception as he generally avoid commenting on Singapore politics, he notes that his family has become increasingly worried about the lack of checks on abuse of power and the situation has come to a point where his parents have made plans to relocate to another country, “a painful decision that they have not made lightly”.

Siblings of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Dr Lee Wei Ling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang issued a public statement on Wednesday to express their non confidence in PM Lee and wrote that they are worried about Singapore’s future in his hands. Delivering a harsh criticism of the PM, saying that they are disturbed by the character, conduct, motives and leadership of their brother and the role of his wife, Ho Ching.
PM Lee has since posted a response in relation to the statement earlier published by his two siblings, expressing his disappointment towards the choice of publicising private family matters and denies allegations made by the two against him, especially on the point that he has political ambitions for his son.

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