Dr Lee Weiling, daughter of late Lee Kuan Yew has shared that she is out of Singapore at the moment in a Facebook post published in the early morning of Thursday.
Dr Lee Wei Ling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang who are the younger children of Singapore’s founding prime minister, issued a harsh statement on Wednesday morning to criticise their brother, Lee Hsien Loong who is the current Prime Minister of Singapore, saying that they are disturbed by the character, conduct, motives and leadership of PM Lee, and the role of his wife, Ho Ching.
Dr Lee states in her Facebook post that the article that was published by the press only gave the Prime Minister’s version of the story, which led to the public thinking that it is merely a family affair.
She wrote, “If it were merely a family affair, we would not have taken it public.”
Dr Lee pointed out that the main message of the statement is not about the threat faced by the two sibilings from PM Lee but “if PM can misuse his official power to abuse his siblings who can fight back, what else can he do to ordinary citizens.”
However, according to Dr Lee, their lawyer edited that main message out, and as Mr Lee Hsien Yang got most of the bullying, “he could not help but allow his emotion to be expressed in the press statement”.
Dr Lee noted that 38 Oxley Road was bought by her parents and it is for them to decide the fate of the property. She wrote that late Lee Kuan Yew have told them that being family property, there is no need to donate to charity if the property on Oxley road was sold.
She then alleged that PM Lee stipulated that as a condition for selling the house to her brother, Mr Lee Hsien Yang, he must also donate 50% of that value to charity in addition to paying him the market value of the house.
Dr Lee then ended her post by stating that PM Lee and his wife are their true colours. “I think these Colours show them unsuitable as PM and most certainly as PM’s wife of Singapore.”

Mr Lee Hsien Yang, chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore earlier shared with media that he and his family are making plans to leave the country and was quoted by Financial Times, “I am not an anti-establishment, opposition figure. I have a long record of public service. It is heart wrenching for me to leave this country. It is not something I would do lightly.”
He further added, “I have no desire to leave. Hsien Loong is the only reason for my departure,”, implying that he is being forced to leave the country out of the potential risk faced by his family.

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