Lim Tean speaking at the Water hike protest at Hong Lim Park (Photo – Terry Xu)

Lawyer and former National Solidarity Secretary General, Lim Tean issued a statement of his own on his Facebook post this afternoon in response to the joint statement by the two children of late Lee Kuan Yew, Dr Lee Weiling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang, commending the two for their courage for speaking up against their brother and acknowledging how difficult it must have been for them.
He asks that the people not to allow the Mainstream Media to cover up the story and statement by the two and to take up the duty to speak up for the interest of the country.
Voicing that no critic of the government should be viewed as an enemy of Singapore, Lim said that he is saddened to hear that Mr Lee Hsien Yang feels the need to leave the country because of what has happened.
“We should never allow the political climate in this country to degenerate to a level where a Singaporean feels compelled to leave his or her home land.” remarked Lim in his Facebook video.
Below is the speech by Lim Tean in full

I woke up this morning to the joint statement issued by Dr Lee Weiling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang in the early hours of the morning
It is a statement which will concern all Singaporeans. I will not go into the statement in this video but I urge all of you to read it. Do not allow the silence of the Mainstream Media to mute the significance of their voice .
On a personal note, I would like to say this to Dr lee and Mr Lee from myself and thousands of Singaporeans, you are not alone. I commend both of you for your courage and bravery in issuing the statement. I know how difficult it must have been for you to put the national interest above your personal and family interest.
And isn’t that the duty of every Singaporean to stand up and speak up for our country no matter what our different political beliefs may be.
No critic of the government is ever an enemy of Singapore
Mr Lee, I am saddened to hear that you and your family feel the need to leave the country because of what has happened. We should never allow the political climate in this country to degenerate to a level where a Singaporean feels compelled to leave his or her home land
I ask all of us to come together and stand strong for our nation.

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“一开始未给予女生足够协助” 国大校长陈永财致歉

据了解,新加坡国立大学校长陈永财教授,于昨日(23日)向国大校友发函致歉,坦言在女学生马芸在宿舍被偷拍风波中,一开始没给予女生足够协助。 在信函中,陈永财表示“从一开始没有给予女生协助,我们很抱歉。”与此同时,他表示,国大不会姑息在校园内发生的不当性猥亵行为,会采取强硬的立场处理不被接受的行为,以确保学生的安危。 对于女生必须通过社交媒体表达担忧和引起国大关注,表达歉意。 去年11月,一名国大23岁的国大传播系四年级女学生,在新该校尤索夫宿舍,发现自己被人用手机偷拍,女事主事后向校园保安人员投诉,并且报警处理。她称,校舍电眼拍到男生闯入不同宿舍浴室隔间寻找下手对象,他们后来也在男生手机里找到她冲凉的视频,这些证据都由校方交给警方处理。 女生称,警方接着花了两个月的时间彻查,最终向男生发出有条件的严厉警告(conditional stern warning):男生在12个月内不得重犯,否则可能在原有的罪名上,连带任何新的罪行一起被提控。 而国大校方对于男生的惩处,则是勒令停学一个学期、接受强制辅导、不让他进入尤索夫宿舍,并要他写道歉信给受害女生马芸。 不过,校方和警方给予涉事男生的惩处,却引来各界争议,甚至教育部长王艺康也认为,国大对涉事男生所采取的处分“明显不足”,认为“两次犯错才开除”,不应成为标准处理方式。“国大应该确保所有学生在校园内的安全,特别是女学生。” 警方则在昨日的文告阐述对国立大学偷拍事件中的立场,没有起诉涉事男生,也有考量其他因素,例如他是否可能改过自新和已经忏悔,而最终决定对他发出为期12个月的有条件严厉警告。  

民主党获准对更正指示提出上诉 日期待定

去年12月,人力部援引防止网络假信息和网络操纵法令,要求新加坡民主党在其脸书帖文与网络文章中作出更正。 民主党则申请撤销更正指示,却被驳回。高庭法官昨日(26日)批准民主党,就上述裁决向最高法院上诉庭提出上诉。 去年12月14日,人力部指民主党的三则包括脸书贴文图表与网络文章,均称本地受雇的专业人士、经理、执行员与技师(PMET)人数减少,而外国PMET的受雇则激增,同时民主党也在网络文章中指出本地PMET的被裁率愈来愈高,这些均与事实不符。 对此,民主党亦在今年1月2日作出回应,表示所采用的内容均出自于人力部的数据,因此内容均属实,并要求人力部长杨莉明撤销更正指示,并要求公开道歉。 随后,民主党也入禀高庭,申请撤销人力部的更正指示,而高庭在1月16日与17日进行审理,并于本月初发表书面裁决,驳回民主党的申请。 双方也在聆讯时提出证据,总检察署以代表政府的立场出席,并出示相关数据,表示2015年至2018年间,每1千名本地PMET中的被裁人数有所减少。 而民主党也出示图表显示,2010年至2018年间,每1千名本地PMET中的被裁人数呈上升趋势,以此辩驳。 对此,法官认为,民主党的数据追溯至2010年的论点存在问题,根据人力部的数据,民主党关于本地PMET人数骤减的言论是虚假的。 昨午,民主党向高庭申请,要求针对上述裁决提出上诉。经半小时的内堂审理后,法官予以批准。民主党秘书长徐顺全在庭外告诉媒体,上诉日期待定。 是否会聘请律师参与上诉,徐顺全则表示,“看起来我们似乎必须这样做”,但他也补充,目前仍未与党员达成共识。

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