Two packets of substances, believed to be ‘Ice’, were seized at the Woodlands Checkpoint, the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) informed in a joint release with the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) on Thursday (18 May).
The packets weighed a total of about 250g, and are estimated to be worth about S$30,000.
On 17 May 2017 at about 10.45am, an officer directed an arriving Malaysia-registered motorcycle, driven by a lone 24-year-old male Malaysian, for further checks at the Woodlands Checkpoint.
During the course of checks, one packet of substance, believed to be ‘Ice’, was uncovered from the inside of the man’s left sock. Further search revealed another packet hidden on the inside of the man’s right sock.

Photo: ICA
Officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) were immediately alerted. The motorcyclist and the packets were handed over to CNB for further investigations.
The Misuse of Drugs Act provides for the death penalty if the amount of methamphetamine trafficked exceeds 250g. 250g of methamphetamine is sufficient to feed the addiction of about 185 abusers for a week.
“Our borders are our first line of defence in safeguarding Singapore’s security, and security checks are critical to our nation’s security. The Home Team agencies will continue to conduct checks on passengers and vehicles at the checkpoints to prevent attempts to smuggle in undesirable persons, drugs, weapons, explosives and other contrabands,” ICA stated.

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