Source: Singapore Police Force.

Two suspects have been arrested in relation to the threatening letters and hell notes sent to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, and other government leaders.
The two suspects are a 18-year-old female and a 53-year-old male. Police said in a statement today that several handwritten letters, mobile phones, laptop, envelopes and hell notes were seized following their arrest.
Investigations are ongoing.

Mr Koh, as captured by TOC’s chief editor, the moment he got the call from the police informing him that he is not a suspect anymore
The police has also informed Mr Koh Eng Khoon that they will be returning his mobile phone as soon as possible.
“I am happy that I have cleared my name,” Mr Koh told TOC this afternoon. He shared that for the past few days, people were afraid to even speak with him, thinking that he is involved in some crime.
Last week, Mr Koh had his one-room flat in his Circuit Road home ransacked by the police, and was investigated under the suspicion that he sent a threatening letter to Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam.
The police went through his cupboards, paper documents and his other belongings. Photos of his flat were also taken by the police.
According to Mr Koh, the police officers eventually left his house at around 1 plus on Friday morning, 28 April.

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