Information Sign at Changi Airport Singapore from

The police arrested two female students, aged 19 and 16, for misusing their boarding passes at the transit area of Changi Airport on 30 April 2017.
Preliminary investigations revealed that they had bought the air tickets to meet their idol, a Korean hip hop artist, and had no intention to depart Singapore.
Since January 2017, the police said that they have arrested 36 people for misusing the boarding pass.
In its post, the police reminded all passengers that the transit areas of Changi Airport are gazetted as Protected Places and passengers who enter the transit areas with a boarding pass should only be there for the purpose of travelling to their next destinations.
They stressed that those who misuse their boarding pass to enter into the transit areas, with no intention to proceed to their next destinations, are liable for an offence under the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act. The offender may be prosecuted in court and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term of 2 years or to both.

Source: SPF.
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