Source: Wikipedia.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has announced during the annual May Day Rally on Monday (1 May) that he has accepted an invitation from US President Donald Trump to visit the White House.
The Singapore leader said during the rally when he mentioned the ties between the two countries that he hopes to make the trip later this year, saying, “I’ve just had a good phone call with President Trump last night and he invited me to go to Washington. I’ve agreed and I hope to do it sometime this year.”
Ministry of Foreign Affairs has earlier stated that President Trump called PM Lee on 30 April 2017, which was the second phone conversation between the leaders, noting that the first call took place on 2 December 2016.
MFA stressed that PM Lee and President Trump affirmed the deep and longstanding relationship between Singapore and the United States.
“They expressed satisfaction that ministers from both sides are already working with each other and looked forward to meeting each other soon,” MFA stated.
The White House also stated that the two leaders affirmed their commitment to the close partnership between the United States of America and the Republic of Singapore, stressing that the partnership is marked by thriving trade and investment, robust security cooperation, and close collaboration on regional and global challenges.
It noted that President Trump has invited Prime Minister Lee to the White House to further strengthen ties.
Apart from PM Lee, the White House also extended invitation to Rodrigo Duterte, President of Philippine and Prayuth Chan-ocha, Prime Minister of Thailand.

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