The couple that was featured in the recent viral video at a hawker centre has been arrested by the police for an offence of public nuisance.
The police in its statement issued on Wednesday morning, said they received reports on Sunday regarding a couple who had allegedly used offensive language and force against a 76-year-old man at Toa Payoh Lorong 8 Market & Hawker Centre.

According to the police, the couple’s identities were established and subsequently arrested a 46-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman on Tuesday.  Police investigations are still ongoing.
Earlier on Saturday (22 April), Facebook user, Manny Quest shared a video which showed the arrested male deliberately bumping a male elderly from the back before he along with his girlfriend in confrontation over the use of the table.
According to an eye witness, the incident took place at the Toa Payoh Lorong 8 hawker centre, around 9pm on Friday night. Based on the video and what the eye witness shared, the couple spewed vulgarities at the elderly despite the elderly just simply politely asking for a seat.
The reaction from the social media was spontaneous and largely condemning of the couple shown in the video The Local Society posted Manny Quest’s video on its Facebook page and have been viewed over 2.8 million times and shared over 40 thousand times.

Just earlier on Sunday, a young lady was wrongly identified as the female featured in the viral video and had her Facebook profile and image splashed on various social media fanpages and websites. The misidentification was eventually clarified.
On Tuesday morning, the daughter of the bullied victim, Caroline Ng posted a Facebook status to express her outrage over the incident and asked for assistance in identifying the couple. She also thanked Mandy for taking the video and posting it online “and the ones who brought to light of this incident and also for those (like Janice ,Trish and the netizens) who righteously have the courage to stand up, to speak up, and to take action against the bullying.”

If convicted for public nuisance, the couple will each face a fine of up to $1000 under section 290 of the penal code.

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