Source: TNP.

A fatal incident took place at the junction of Jurong Island Highway and Seraya Avenue on Monday (24 April) morning between a private bus and a tipper truck.
The accident resulted in the death of a 62-year-old bus passenger. He was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics. Meanwhile, nine others were conveyed to the hospital, including the driver of the tipper truck. Two others suffered minor injuries. However, they declined to be taken to the hospital.
According to The New Paper, Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDP) spokesperson said that the nine people, aged between 27 and 53 years old, were conveyed conscious to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.
The police said that the 58-year-old male bus driver was arrested for causing death by a rash act.
One of the survivors told TNP that all the bus passengers are working for the same company and that they were being taken back to the Jurong Island checkpoint after their night shift when the accident happened.
Another passenger said that most of them were sleeping at the time of the incident as they were tired from their night shift. He then said that he was thrown onto the floor when the incident occurred and he heard screaming.
“I was in a state of shock but still managed to call for an ambulance,” the victim added.
Police investigations against the incident are ongoing.

Source: Stomp.
Source: Stomp.
Source: TNP.
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