The Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) Selection Committee has selected 840 athletes from 34 sports to represent Singapore at the upcoming 29th SEA Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
However, SNOC stressed that this number will change and decrease during the entry-by-name deadline when all NSAs will decide on the actual athletes representing the specific events.
“Where there are more athletes qualifying in the event or if there is a cap on the total number of athletes per sport, the NSAs will adhere to their selection processes to select the athletes,” it noted.
The committee, chaired by Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, Minister for Social and Family Development and President of the SNOC, met on Thursday (20 April) to consider the nominations put forward by the National Sports Associations and decide on the athletes who have made the first cut to compete at the Games.
The committee noted that athletes who have yet to meet the qualifying mark have till mid-June to meet the selection criteria of a third place finish at the Southeast Asia level. Appeals will be considered by the SNOC on 15 June 2017.
The 29th SEA Games will take place in Kuala Lumpur with competition commencing on 15 August and ending on 30 August, in which there will be 405 events competed in 38 sports.
At the 28th SEA Games in 2015 which was held in Singapore, Team Singapore athletes won a record medal haul of 84 gold, 73 silver and 102 bronze medals. The 2015 contingent of 747 athletes was the biggest ever team representing Singapore at a major Games.
Chris Chan, Secretary-General of the SNOC, said, “We are pleased that 840 athletes in 34 sports have qualified to represent Singapore at the upcoming SEA Games. Sports like cricket, ice hockey and ice skating will feature for the first time at the SEA Games and our athletes in these sports have all made the mark on their first try.”
“We are looking forward to more athletes and sports added to the contingent list as some are still on their way to qualify. In the meantime, we wish all athletes and NSAs preparing for the SEA Games all the best and hope they will be in their top form to represent Singapore in August.”

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