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The 60-year-old man who was arrested in suspicion of intentionally causing the fire in a storeroom at St Hilda’s Church on Sunday morning was charged in court on Tuesday (18 Apr).
The man, Yeo Liang Chai, was charged with one count of mischief by fire, an offense that carries a sentence of up to 10 years or life’s imprisonment and a fine.
Yeo represented himself; and will appear in court again on 25 April. He will remain in remand while waiting.
The reason he set the fire in the room has not yet been revealed.
The fire damaged some books in a room on the second floor of the building adjacent to the main church hall, which was used to keep used children’s clothing, books, and toys.
The blaze did not spread to other parts of the church. Firefighters were able to quickly put out the fire using a compressed air foam system.
No one was injured and the building was also not damaged.

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