Photo: Lianhe Wanbao

A floating body in the Singapore River near Clarke Quay was found on Monday, 17 April, at 3.41am.
Lianhe Wanbao reported three passersby in the Clarke Quay area, who were returning after a night out, found the body of a Chinese woman in her 50s when they were about to return to their car at the carpark. The three friends immediately called the police to seek assistance.
Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) officers retrieved the woman and paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene.
The woman did not have any identification documents on her. Wanbao described the short haired woman as being clad in pants and a striped top, and had a petite stature.
SCDF had sent one ambulance, a fire engine, two fire bikes, and a Red Rhino to the scene.
The police classified the case as ‘unnatural death’ and investigations are ongoing.
This is the second similar incident in just four days. Last Thursday morning, a man body in his 60s was found in the Singapore River and brought to shore near Esplanade Park.
It was reported that a cleaner working at the river found the body, the man was also declared dead by paramedics at the scene.

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