Source: Yishun North NPC.

Yishun North Neighborhood Police Centre (NPC) posted an appeal for information on a case of criminal misappropriation of a bird and birdcage which took place at Yishun.
On its Facebook account, Yishun North NPC wrote that it is looking for a male subject shown in the photographs below to assist with investigations into the incident which occurred at Blk 316A Yishun Avenue 9 on Tuesday (4 April) at about 12.05 am.
NPC wrote that the subject is believed to be a male with dark complexion in his late 40s with a stout build. He was last seen bare-bodied and wearing a blue coloured bermudas.

The police said that anyone with information is requested to call the Police Hotline at 1800-2550000. Information can also be submitted online at All information will be kept strictly confidential.
Source: Yishun North NPC.
Source: Yishun North NPC.
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即日起,成年人可持易通卡添加账户付费功能,可随时随地为卡充值,省下到地铁站或巴士站找充值机器的麻烦。 陆路交通局今日(28日)发文宣布,账户式(account based)的易通卡即日起可在公共交通使用。乘客可选择在售票机更新易通卡,或到通联售票柜台购买新的账户式易通卡。 用户可透过更新后的易通卡,在任何地点任何时间内为卡充值,省下到地铁站或巴士站找充值机器的麻烦,亦无须担心卡内储值不够,甚至可帮家人充值。 易通卡余额低时,用户也会接获提醒简讯,或易通卡遗失时,也能通过应用程式阻止他人使用。 不过,若更新了易通卡,却没有下载易通或通联“新便利”(TL SimplyGo)应用,搭车时就无法查看车资或卡内有多少储值,就与目前使用银行卡和电子钱包支付车费一样。用户得到售票机才能查看储值及乘车记录。 陆交局指出,目前的卡式付费系统也将待乘客都熟悉使用账户式付费方式后才会淘汰。在这之前,当局将会给予公众充裕时间的通知。 至于乐龄和学生等持有优惠车资卡的乘客试点计划,将在今年较迟时候展开,让这些优惠卡也转向账户式付费。

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