Source: Kean Ho Zhiqian Facebook account.

Three paramedic officers, Prm Kitshan (officer in-charge), Medic Shafiq Rhymia and Medic Samo Iqbal, from Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) Ambulance AB 113 helped a mother deliver her baby in her own house on Friday (7 April).
The story was told by the father of the newborn, Mr Kean Ho Zhiqian, who posted it on his Facebook wall.
In an interview with Mothership, Mr Ho said that his wife woke him up due to labour pains.
Mr Ho initially intended to drive her to the hospital, but she was unable to move by that time. His sister then called for an ambulance.
When they were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the officers called to check if they needed any instructions for an on-the-spot delivery. It was decided that Mr Ho’s wide had to delivery immediately, upon the arrival of the SCDF officers.
Mr Ho wrote on his post that officer in-charge Ms Kitshan delivered his baby boy in his own house at approximately 8.25am.
He said that Ms Kitshan was very experienced, composed and exceedingly professional in the delivery of his second baby boy.
“I hereby pay kudos to her and pay utmost respect to her and her teammates for their assistance,” he wrote.
“My wife and baby are well taken care of and in good hands. SCDF indeed train their staffs well. Their performance were remarkable and my family felt that we were in good hands under the care of Officer Kitshan,” Mr Ho added.
Mr Ho then wrote that he understands SCDF does not accept any hampers or gifts as a gesture of appreciation. “We can only express our respect to you via email and Facebook. Thank you yet again,” he added.
The happy father asked anyone who knows the officers personally to tag them on his post.
“From the bottom of my heart, I wish to thank them once again. An official letter of appreciation had been sent to your Quality Sevice Officer Colonel Ng for the tremendous effort rendered,” he ended.

Source: Kean Ho Zhiqian Facebook account.
Source: Kean Ho Zhiqian Facebook account.
Source: Kean Ho Zhiqian Facebook account.
Source: Kean Ho Zhiqian Facebook account.


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