Source: The Business Times Singapore.

Fibre network operator NetLink Trust confirmed yesterday that it experienced a service interruption affecting the area around Jurong West on Tuesday (11 April) due to a cable cut.
NetLink Trust stated that it deployed a team to investigate the cause of the interruption.
“If your service is affected by the incident, we apologise for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience while we work with your Internet service provider to restore your service as soon as possible,” its statement said.
The incident affected all three Internet service providers, Starhub, M1 and Singtel, who announced the disruption on their respective Facebook accounts.
Singtel wrote in its initial post that NetLink Trust has confirmed that there is a cable cut in the Jurong West area. Therefore, some customers in the vicinity of Jurong West, Boon Lay and Corporation Road may experience difficulties accessing their broadband, fixed voice and Singtel TV services.
“We apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience,” Singtel added.

Similarly, M1 and Starhub alerted their customers of the incident, apologising for the inconvenience caused.
StarHub wrote that NetLink Trust has informed them that its engineers are looking into the matter.

This morning, the service providers updated customers about NetLink Trust informing them that further damage of the fibre cables have been found and recovery works are underway.
Singtel and M1 posted that NetLink Trust has informed them to expect service restoration by afternoon today, while Starhub’s latest update at 7.30am this morning informed customers that NetLink Trust “has restored approximately 70% of the affected fibre circuits provided to StarHub customers”. Starhub will continue to provide updates as they receive them from NetLink Trust.

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