In response to Agri-food and Veterinary Authority’s (AVA) recently issued revision in licensing conditions for pet businesses, Bunny Wonderland (BW), Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), and House Rabbit Society Singapore (HRSS) have asked Singaporeans to sign a petition for AVA to revise pet shop licensing conditions regarding the display and sale of rabbits.
“As the 3rd most common pet in Singapore, we need to speak up for them. With the prevalent abandonment and negligence of these quiet animals, we need the government to step up and make a change,” they said.
They also added that this joint response aims to seek a long-term solution by ensuring the traceability, management and minimum standards of care for rabbits.
In the joint statement, they said that they also urge AVA to revise pet shop licensing conditions regarding the display and sale of rabbits by microchipping all rabbits before sale. “This would allow negligent owners to be traced and charged under the Animals and Birds Act (Chapter 7) Part IV, 41C. Increasing the enforceability of this law would also discourage impulse buying, and is likely to decrease rabbit abandonment rates,” BW, SPCA and HRSS wrote in their joint statement. 
They also propose additional measures to improve rabbit welfare through mandatory registration of rabbits upon sale and adoption, encouraging sterilisation, and enforcing minimum requirements for rabbit enclosures in pet shops.
You may view the full joint response here. If you wish to sign the petition, you may click here.

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