Woodlands Checkpoint (Photo – Trung Đức)

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) advised travellers to expect heavy traffic flow through the land checkpoints at Woodlands and Tuas particularly from Thursday, 13 April to Sunday, 16 April 2017 due to Good Friday on 14 April 2017.
ICA stated that security at checkpoints remains ICA’s top priority against any potential threats to Singapore.
The BioScreen system has been implemented at the passenger halls of the land checkpoints to capture the thumbprints of travellers. With security checks, traffic build-up is inevitable, especially when a large number of travellers use the checkpoints at the same time.
“To avoid a surge of travellers and vehicles seeking clearance at the land checkpoints, travellers are advised to adjust their travel plans if possible,” ICA said.
ICA also reminds travellers to check and ensure that they are using their own passports with a remaining validity of six months or more before setting off on their journey.
ICA noted that there have been instances of Singaporeans presenting wrong passports or passports which have been reported lost for immigration clearance. Such cases will lead to delays and cause inconvenience to the passport holders and other checkpoints users.
It stressed that these passports can no longer be used for travelling even if they are found subsequently and will be cancelled by ICA.
It stated that any attempt to use them is an offence under the Passports Act and may be punished by a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment of up to 10 years, or both.
Passports that have been recovered must be surrendered to the ICA within 14 days to prevent abuse by persons with ill-intent. Failure to surrender the recovered passport is an offence under the Passports Regulations and may be punished by a fine of up to $3,000 or imprisonment for up to 2 years, or both.
ICA also advised motorists to check the traffic situation at both land checkpoints before embarking on their journey. Travellers leaving Singapore by Woodlands or Tuas checkpoint will be able to know in advance the traffic situation from LTA’s Expressway Monitoring & Advisory System (EMAS) installed along the AYE and BKE respectively.
For more Traffic Information members of the public can:

  • Call the traffic information hotline at 6863-0117.
  • Tune in to the radio for the latest traffic conditions.
  • Visit LTA’s One Motoring website (www.onemotoring.com.sg) or MyTransport.SG portal (www.mytransport.sg) to check the latest traffic conditions before embarking on your journey.
Source : ICA.
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