Drugs and cash seized in CNB operation on 11 April 2017 (Source : CNB).

In a statement released by Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) today, about 1kg of heroin and S$3,400 in cash was seized from a suspected drug trafficker in a CNB operation. The drugs seized had a total estimated value of about S$64,000.
The bureau said that a suspected drug trafficker, a 50-year-old male Singaporean, was observed to have driven his car into a car park in the vicinity of Teck Whye Lane on 11 April 2017 at about 1.20am.
It noted that the suspected drug trafficker, a 37-year-old male Malaysian, then boarded the car, before alighting shortly. The car then drove off.
Officers later arrested the 37-year-old man, recovering S$3,400 in cash. The 50-year-old man was also arrested, after he parked his car in the vicinity of Teck Whye Lane.
Two bundles of heroin, weighing almost 1kg, were recovered from his car.
Investigations into the drug activities of all suspects are ongoing.
The Misuse of Drugs Act provides for the death penalty if the amount of diamorphine (pure heroin) trafficked exceeds 15g.
According to the bureau, 15g of diamorphine is equivalent to 1,250 straws, which is sufficient to feed the addiction of about 180 abusers for a week.

Drugs and cash seized in CNB operation on 11 April 2017 (Source : CNB).
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