Source : Cik Puan Alya Dani Facebook page.

There was a collision between a Malaysian registered bus and five Singapore cars which took place at Woodlands Checkpoint on Sunday (2 April) at 4.30 am.
According to Facebook page, the bus driver claimed that the accident occurred due to brakes malfunctioning, causing him to collide with five cars and ending up at the divider railings.
A woman in her 60s and a man in his 50s were taken to the hospital following the crash.

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said that it was alerted to the accident at 4.30 am.
Cik Puan Alya Dani posted pictures on her Facebook page and tagged them to JB Tracer, Johor Bahru Traffic, Crime & Community Service Report.
The picture shows three cars with one that was badly damaged.
Other pictures show the blue Malaysian bus that ended up at the road divider.

Source : Cik Puan Alya Dani Facebook page.
Source : Cik Puan Alya Dani Facebook page.
Source : Cik Puan Alya Dani Facebook page.
Source : Cik Puan Alya Dani Facebook page.
Source : Cik Puan Alya Dani Facebook page.
Source : Cik Puan Alya Dani Facebook page.
Police investigations are ongoing.

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