Source : Kenneth Lim Twitter account.

At 12.20pm today, Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT) announced another delay, this time on its North-South Line (NSL) due to a train fault.
On its Twitter account, SMRT said that there will be an additional 30 minutes of travelling time from Yishun to Bishan towards Marina South Pier. However, it noted that the train service is still available.

SMRT then noted that free regular bus services were available from Yishun towards Bishan.

Around 20 minutes after its first tweet, SMRT updated that the fault has cleared and trains are progressively returning to normal speed.

A moment later, it tweeted that train services have resumed and free regular bus services have ceased.

Given the fact that the delay did not occur during peak hours, there were not many complaints posted online.
A Channel News Asia reporter Kenneth Lim, took a picture of commuters who got out from Ang Mo Kio station due to the delay.

Rin, a commuter, asked SMRT, the reason why there was only one gantry opened at Ang Mo Kio for outbound passengers resulting in a long queue.

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