A long couch blocked pedestrian from entering parts of the waterfront at Collyer Quay (Source : The Straits Times)

Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is investigating a case where access to Clifford Pier was blocked.
The area was sold by the URA in 2006 and redeveloped into Fullerton Bay Hotel. There was a regulation which stated that the area has to remain open to the public for them to be able to access parts of the waterfront at Collyer Quay, including Clifford Pier.
There were pictures of the area which showed potted plants and a long couch being placed in front of doors leading to the Fullerton Bay Hotel.
URA spokesman responded to queries, saying that developments such as Fullerton Bay Hotel are required to provide a pedestrian walkway along the deck areas at Clifford Pier to allow for public access to the waterfront.
He then added that the Authority will take enforcement action for any infringement of the guidelines after taking into account the impact of the infringement and circumstances of the case.
However, according to The Straits Times, the hotel manager said that it has not received formal notification of the investigation. Therefore, they were unable to provide any comments regarding the matter.
Clifford Pier is a pier located beside Collyer Quay at Marina Bay. It was named after Hugh Clifford, who served as governor of the Straits Settlements, comprising Singapore, Penang and Malacca, between 1927 and 1929.
Built in 1933, Clifford Pier was a landing point for immigrants and other sea passengers. A red oil lamp used to hang from the pier as a guide to seafarers, earning the pier the name Red Lamp Pier.
The pier was later used as a terminal for tourists and day trippers who boarded small boats and ferries heading for the Southern Islands.
During the annual pilgrimage season to Kusu Island, regular ferries departed from Clifford Pier to the island. Clifford Pier ceased operations on 1 April 2006 and was replaced by the Marina South Pier.
Other developments around the area, such as One Fullerton and Marina Bay Sands, are also required to ensure public access to certain areas within their premises during operating hours.

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