Source : Lianhe Wanbao.

A 23-year-old Vietnamese man fell from a 15th-storey room of Hotel Boss located at Jalan Sultan on Wednesday (29 March) at about 2.30am.
Chinese evening daily Lianhe Wanbao reported that Mr Nguyen Ngoc Duy’s body landed on the fifth storey. However, his head was found outside a fourth storey eatery.
Police are investigating the case as an unnatural death.
According to Lianhe Wanbao, the room was booked by Mr Vu Truong An, 21, an Institute of Technical Education student.
Mr Vu and Mr Nguyen were having a staycation with four other friends in the country.
The two were reportedly having an argument.
The reason of the fall is still unknown. However, Mr Vu rushed to seek help from hotel staff after the fall of his friend. The hotel staff then called the police.
Mr Vu himself suffered a slash wound on his head and was conveyed to a hospital. Fortunately, the man is in stable condition.
The Straits Times reported that a night-shift supervisor at Founder Bak Kut Teh, a restaurant on the hotel’s first storey, told the media that there were eight police cars due to the incident.
“It was a curious sight. I didn’t know what happened as I didn’t hear anything. Later on, I saw a hearse arrive,” the lady who wanted to be known only as Madam Lim told the Straits Times.
A notice was the put up for guests, informing them that there was no access to the fourth storey, which also has a swimming pool and a gym, due to an “unforeseen situation”.

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