A viral whatsapp message is going around, warning members of the public not to forward any posts or videos regarding the present situation of the Singapore Government and that it is an arrestable offence if one were to write or forward any messages on political and religious debate.
The message goes like this,

“Don’t forward any posts or videos etc., u receive regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc.
Police have put out a notification termed ..Cyber Crime … and action will be taken…just delete…inform your friends & others too.
Writing or forwarding any msg on any political & religious debate is an offence now….arrest without warrant…
This is very serious, plz let it be known to all our groups and individual members as group admin can b in deep trouble. Please take note of this seriously.”

The citizen who received the message laughed off the message, knowing that the message is likely to be fake.
When asked about the message, Mr M Ravi, internationally renowned human rights advocate said, “This is a spam message to be ignored or to be sent to the bin immediately. This message causes false alarm among citizens. It arises from a misguided notion of the law regarding the information being circulated.”
Another citizen who received the message wrote to Temasek Emeritus, ” I believed it must have come from PAP or its supporters trying to infuse fear among citizens. I speculated the message was created to be circulated in view of aftermath of messages and videos (one I seen signed off from SDP) borned from strong dislikes and disagreements of the way PAP mandated water price increase.”
Queries on this matter has been sent to the Singapore Police Force at 10.30am, 27 March and their response will be updated when they reply.

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