The garbage truck which the man’s body fell onto. Photo credit: Lianhe Wanbao

A 51-year-old man was found motionless on the top of a garbage truck on March 21 2017 at 10.40am.
It was reported that the man fell from HDB Block 450F at Tampines Street 42.
The unsuspecting crew completing their daily routine was caught unaware until a horrified resident who wanted to be known only as Mr Ong, chased down the garbage truck at its next stop to inform the driver and crew of the body, according to reports from Shin Min Daily News and Lianhe Wanbao.
Mr Ong’s wife was sunning clothes on the drying rack when she heard a loud thud. She  saw a male lying motionless on top of a white rubbish truck and was shocked, quickly alerting her husband to chase after the truck.
“When she saw that the truck was leaving, she called me immediately to stop the rubbish truck,” said Mr Ong.
Mr Ong told the media that he ran close to a hundred metres before he managed to catch up to the truck to inform the driver.
He went on and said that when the driver stopped the vehicle, he saw a flow of blood coming from the top of the truck and was taken aback. When the driver got down from the vehicle and discovered the motionless man on the roof of his vehicle, he became very nervous and kept saying that it had nothing to do with him.
The man was pronounced dead by paramedics at the scene, police said in a statement.
Another resident, Mr Wong, said his friend saw the entire incident. He narrated how his friend saw a male aged between fifty to sixty years old falling from the 9th floor and landing on the truck.
The mother-in-law of the deceased said that he did not have his handphone and wallet with him in the morning, and it was only later that the family found out about the incident. The deceased’s wife is believed to be working at a nearby supermarket.
The deceased’s mother-in-law also revealed to the media that he had been acting slightly strangely and had not been eating for the past three days despite constant persuasion from the family.
The case has been classified as unnatural death and investigations are still ongoing.

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