A 25-year old Singaporean man, Fajar Ashraf Bin Fajar Ali, was sentenced on Monday (13 March) to 18 weeks jail for each of the two counts of animal cruelty. Both sentences will run concurrently.
Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) said that it was alerted to a case of alleged cat cruelty in which a man was seen slamming a cat onto the floor at Blk 884 Tampines St 83 on 26 May 2016.
AVA officers then commenced investigation immediately and the cat carcass was collected for post mortem examination.
Subsequently, the identity of the suspect was established with the assistance of the Police and the suspect was arrested on 31 May 2016.
Through eye-witness testimony, CCTV footage and statement from the accused, AVA said that it then established that the accused had lured the cat into the lift and brought it to the 10th floor.
“When the cat tried to escape, the accused threw it down from the 10th floor. Later, when the accused realised that the cat was still alive on the ground floor, he slammed it on the ground,” AVA said.
According to AVA, the cat was found dead at the scene.
AVA’s post mortem results found that the cat had died due to external traumatic incident, which supported investigation findings.
AVA stressed that it condemns animal cruelty.
Under the Animals and Birds Act, anyone found guilty of animal cruelty can be fined up to $15,000 and/or jailed up to 18 months, or both for the first offence. For second and subsequent offences, the maximum penalty is $30,000 or a jail term of up to 3 years, or both.

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