Senior Minister of State for Finance Indranee Rajah stressed that this is the right time to increase the water charges as a necessary measure to ensure future supplies, saying, “You sometimes just have to bite the bullet and say, this is a critical resource, you have got to ensure future supply, so the time to do it is now.”
Speaking on 938LIVE radio’s Talkback call-in show, the host, Bharati Jagdish, stated that all of the callers who called them during the show asked about the particular decision. The callers said it really concern them as this might give huge impact, not only to their households but also to their businesses as well.
Ms Bharati then asked the Minister, “They are concern about the rise in the cost of water and electricity. Why would this done at this point, where the economy is not doing so well and people are afraid for their jobs? Why cound not all of this have waited?”
The Minister then said that some may remember the water campaign which said that every drop is precious and that some months ago the pictures of Linggui Dam were spreading and it showed that it had really gone down in terms of volume.
Therefore, she stressed that it is very critical that Singaporeans have water supplies and at the same time we have to ensure that we conserve water, adding that this is the first time in 17 years that the water prices see hikes.
Host Bharati Jagdish then replied, “Which is why some people might say, since you did not raise it for the last 17 years, could not you held off for a little longer until things start to get better in the economy?”
Ms Indranee then said that looking at the things going forward, the Government decided that it really have to plan now, saying, “You can put it off this year. But then next year you don’t know what the economy will be like.”
However, she added that the very important part is to help those who would not be able to manage. She said, “That is why you’ve got measures like the GST U-Save, GST special cash payment. These are measures which are targeted at helping those who are having some difficulty in managing the increase in cost.”
The host then asked, “This is why many people would say that all of these would have helped the lower income. But, how about the middle income? And I think this really refrain what many of us heard over the years that not enough had been done for the middle income. What would you have to say to the middle income households and businesses as well who might be grappling with this increase?”
The Minister then stated that what really help these middle income is to help to navigate and thrive in this economy. She said that there is a handout to help Singaporeans manage their cost.
“The way to help is to say here is train program that can help you upskill, here are schemes, for example SME go digital and SME working capital loan, these are schemes that would really help your businesses grow.”
She said that when the businesses grow this may not only help them to manage not only these costs but also the revenue as a whole.

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首次有港示威者中枪 警一哥称警员感生命受威胁“开枪合法合理”

昨日(1日)时逢中国国庆70周年,香港再次发起全城大游行,在黄大仙、屯门、沙田等多个区域可见示威者与警方以汽油弹和催泪弹交战,场面火爆,多处更着火焚烧,此外,港警在清场过程施放实弹,一名18岁少年遭击中,成为香港示威4个月以来首位被真枪实弹击中的受害者。 据悉,当时少年正在新界西的荃湾与镇暴警察发生冲突,示威者原本要包围“香港中国旅行社”的荃湾分社 ,该旅行社属于中资旅行社,但却遭到港警驱离清场,双方沿着街道巷弄近战冲突。 根据香港大学学生会的视频画面,伤者当时与警方对峙,而且接近警方,试图挥动铁棍殴打警方,而警方却近距离向他开枪,伤者中枪后倒地,胸口流血不止。当时,伤者倒地后,意识依然清醒,并对着围拢过来提供救助的目击者大喊,“送我去医院,胸口很痛”,并还能说出自己的名字曾志健,身旁的记者见状也劝伤者勿激动,胸口正在流血。 数名警察在事件发生后,为伤者提供医护协助。事后警方称,伤者年龄18岁,左肩受伤,送院的时候“神志清醒”。 而根据《香港01》记者的现场报道,当时约莫下午4点,听到一声巨响后,发现有一名示威者倒地挣扎,血液不断从衣服渗出,他表示,当时伤者仅记得自己中枪,好痛,但并不清楚中枪位置。而记者在确认情况后,向在场警员求救,救护也在伤者倒地后5分钟到场。 据现场所见,伤者左胸位置出血,救护人员在叫他时,他仍有反应,但气息逐渐减弱,在下午4点半左右,转送马甲列玛嘉烈医。 消息指,该名少年被射中肺部,幸未伤及心脏、大动脉,但有子弹弹头留在体内,要接驳人工肺呼吸,现时经手术已成功取出。 至今早(2日)医管局证实少年情况稳定,目前他仍留医深切治疗部。 港警:开枪属“合法、合理”,因感自身及同事声明受到威胁 对此,香港警方在傍晚7点左右通过视频公告,证实枪击事件。至于港警务处处长卢伟聪则在稍后凌晨召开记者会,指该名警员是在是在别无选择下开枪,属“合法、合理” ,因感自身及同事生命受到威胁。…


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李光耀公共政策学院新加坡政策研究所和种族和谐资源中心(,從去年8月至今年1月进行一项民调,探讨可能影响本地社会凝聚力的隐忧。 根据李光耀公共政策学院官网,发布有关研究报告的简介,指出近期发生的一些社会事件,都与五大关键议题有关:族群、宗教、移民、阶级和性少数权益(LGBT)。 “仅在今年,“美丽求求你”讽刺视频风波、立法禁止外国传教士发表煽动性言论、再到上周末出现摩根大通高管辱骂本地保安,引起社会反弹,”以及有要求废除刑事法典377A的呼声,都一再占据着本地媒体的版位。 故此,该研究旨在探讨本地居民如何受到上述五大隐忧影响,以及国家干预与公共论述的缓解机制。 研究认为国人都意识到管理社会隐忧的重要,尽管过去族群和宗教议题都由政府管理,惟相当大部分人口亦认为移民课题、LGBT和阶级需要政府的参与与公共讨论。 研究建议政府在制定移民政策时应考量国人对移民比率的接受度,特别是有六成受访者坦言,不喜欢和新移民做邻居,住家附近的新移民人口在1-20巴仙之间,对他们来说才是比较理想的。 近七成认为移民仍不够融入本土社会 此外,有将近67.5巴仙受访者,某种程度上赞同或非常赞同,新移民对于融入本土社会仍做得不够好;不过93巴仙受访者赞同孩子与不同背景的人一起玩耍。 而来自不同学历、不同年龄背景的受访者中,有近半认为在移民课题上认为政府应干预和管制移民涌入,这可能显示本地人的排外心理和对就业的不安全感在提升。 报告也提到近期发生的摩根大通高管辱骂保安事件,而坊间一些声音不外乎要求对这位外籍高官采取行动、调查他的学历背景、开除他/驱逐出境。 报告也分析居民在看待此事上把身份和阶级关联在一起,甚至将之关联到此前新加坡和印度政府签署的《综合性经济合作协议(CECA)》,使之成为当局必须处理的不利因素。此外,包括保安协会、工会和一些议员也站出来呼吁立法保障低薪劳工的权益。

闯幼园彩排现场 男子持刀与警对峙被捕

本周一,网民Muhammad Raihan在脸书分享视频,指一名身穿灰衣的小偷,手持小刀闯入组屋的综合亭中,与七名便衣警员对峙,最终被逮捕。 网民莱罕指事件发生兀兰坡组屋,从视频中可见综合亭内还设置了投影银幕和扩音器,因为当时还有一群幼稚园孩童在那里进行国庆日活动彩排。 莱罕指所幸幼园老师把孩童们都待会校园,也没有人被挟持为人质和伤亡。 视频中显示七名相信是便衣警员的男子,将一名手持小刀的男子包围,可见他其中熟人手持警棍。在对峙了片刻后,灰衣男子最终被劝服扔掉了小刀,其中一人赶紧把掉落在地上的小刀踢开,另两人则趋前逮捕已趴在地上的灰衣男。 而警方较后也向媒体证实,在本周一(29日)上午11时许在兀兰坡展开执法行动,逮捕一名涉嫌偷窃的55岁男子,目前案件仍在调查中。