A body, found on the top of a multi-story car park, is believed to be of the 27-year-old Singaporean man who was reported missing since last Friday (17 Feb).
The police, alerted by a report, found the body of a man at the top level of the multi-story car park at 468A Segar Road, at 6.52pm on Monday (20 Feb). The paramedics who came not much later pronounced the man was dead at the scene.
The police said, “Based on preliminary investigations, the deceased is believed to be the 27-year-old man who was reported missing last Friday.”
The missing person, Steward Lee had last been seen on Friday at around 2pm at Block 407 Fajar Road, about a kilometer from where he was found. He was reported missing by his sister, Yunqin Lee, who had posted an appeal to help find her brother on her Facebook. Police also posted an appeal for information on their Facebook on Saturday afternoon.
Dozens of people had formed a search party to try to find him on Sunday and around 70 people scoured popular nature parks and areas including Bukit Timah Hill, Dairy Farm, Mandai, Zhenghua and the Rail Corridor – places he had been known to visit frequently – but could not find him. Her sister said that Mr Lee had always informed his family if he was staying out.
Ms Lee could not be reached but it is understood that the police have informed her about the body that was found yesterday evening. Her Facebook page is also down.
Police have classified the case as unnatural death and investigations are ongoing.

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