In response to media queries, People’s Action Party (PAP) has stated that Deputy Attorney-General-designate Hri Kumar Nair is no longer the member of the party.
However, the spokesman declined to mention when was he pulled out from the party.
It was announced on Thursday (16 February) that Mr Nair has been appointed by the President as Deputy-Attorney-General for a term of 3 years with effect from 1 March 2017.
This is the first time in the country that a politician been appointed to be on the State’s prosecutorial function.
Currently, Mr Nair is a director at Drew and Napier with more than 25 years of experience as a lawyer. He was appointed Senior Counsel in 2008.
Previously, Mr Nair was also appointed a PAP Member of Parliament for Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC in the 2006 General Election. He served for two terms until 2015.
He left politics just before the 2015 General Election. He said that he needed to relook at his priorities as his wife was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2012.
The Prime Minister Office noted that Mr Nair has acted in a wide range of litigation and arbitration matters for major international and local companies and financial institutions. He has also advised on regulatory issues and led teams to investigate fraud and other issues which have arisen in both private and listed companies.
Ms Sylvia Lim, Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC has commented on her Facebook post that a local newspaper has contacted her for comments on the recent appointment of a former People’s Action Party (PAP) MP as Deputy Attorney-General.
However, it had stated to her that it cannot be published due to the lack of space.
On her post, she wrote, “It is critical that persons entrusted with vast prosecutorial discretion act in the public interest, and not for partisan political gain. The appointment of a former PAP MP to such a post is not ideal. Whether my concerns prove to be founded or otherwise – remains to be seen”.

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