A 38-year-old Singapore Airlines (SIA) air stewardess was found dead in her hotel room in San Francisco on Tuesday (31 January local time).
The senior stewardess Vanessa Yeap, who was Penang-born, was a member of crew operated to San Fransisco on flight SQ2 on 28 January, with a stopover in Hong Kong, and was due to have operated out from the country on SQ1 on 1 February.
The Straits Times reported that a source who asked to be remained anonymous said that when the plane landed about two days before the return flight, she told her colleague that she was not feeling well.
Later on, at the time of their flight back to Singapore, Ms Vanessa was due to meet the rest of the crew at the lobby of the hotel at around 10 to 11 pm on Tuesday (31 January).
However, she did not show up.
Therefore, the rest of the crew went up to her room and knocked on the door several times. When they did not get any response, they broke into the room only to find Ms Vanessa was lying motionless on her bed.
They tried to resuscitate her. Unfortunately, they could not revive her.
Ms Vanessa was said to have been with the airlines for 16 years.
The airlines told ST, “We can confirm with regret that one of our female cabin crew was found deceased in her hotel room in San Francisco on 1 February 2017 (Singapore time). Our immediate priority is to provide the necessary assistance to the family of the crew member.”
“As the case is under the investigation of the local authorities, we are unable to share any further details,” it added.
The source told the ST about Ms Vanessa, saying, “She was a very nice and pleasant person, always very helpful. She was planning to get married. It was a tragedy, what has happened to her.”
Her brother had reportedly flown to San Fransisco to claim her body. He has arrived there at around 11pm Singapore time last night.
He told the media in a tribute, “My loving sister, we love you and cherish you forever. We know you are in good hands with the Lord in heaven now.”
He also posted a picture of their childhood memory on Facebook, writing, “Ko ko love you always.”
eric yeap
San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) has confirmed they were aware of the incident. It said that the medical examiner’s office is investigating Yeap’s death.

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