The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) has announced board changes by appointed five new members to the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) on Tuesday (31 January) which will take effect from Wednesday (1 February).
Five new members who were appointed to the EDB Board are:
Mr Ichiro Iino, Chief Executive (Asia-Pacific), Hitachi Ltd
Mr Ichiro Iino is the Chief Executive of AsiaPacific, Hitachi Ltd. He is also the Chairman of Hitachi Asia Ltd and Hitachi India Pvt Ltd.
Mr Iino began his career at Hitachi in April 1980 as a sales manager and rose through a series of both international strategies and business development responsibilities in Hitachi’s Subsidiaries and affiliated companies such as Hitachi America, Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery, Hitachi Industrial System & Solutions Group.

Source : MTI.
Source : MTI.
Professor Ilian Lubomirov Mihov, Dean, INSEAD.
Professor Ilian Lubomirov Mihov is Dean of INSEAD. He focuses on research topics related to monetary policy, fiscal policy and economic growth.
He is also a research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London). His papers have appeared in many academic journals including the American Economic Review and the Quarterly Journal of Economics.
He often gives interviews for renowned publications and is also a regular keynote speaker and panelist at events organised by financial institutions, multinationals and non-profit organisations. In addition, he was a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Fiscal Crises in 2010/11 and 2011/12.
Source : MTI.
Source : MTI.
Mr Randy Isaac Walker, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IBM Asia Pacific
Mr Randy Isaac Walker is the Chairman & CEO of IBM Asia Pacific. He is also a member of IBM’s Corporate Strategy Team of senior executive leaders.
Previously, he was on the Board of Directors and Corporate Executive VicePresident at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) diversifying and expanding their commercial and international business to include new markets while building on SAIC’s strengths. He was also the Chairman of the Board for Data Systems & Solutions LLC and Danet.
Source : MTI.
Source : MTI.
Mr Loh Chin Hua, Chief Executive Officer, Keppel Corporation
Mr Loh Chin Hua is the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Keppel Corporation. He is also the Chairman of several companies in the Keppel Group, namely Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd, Keppel Land Ltd, Keppel Infrastructure Holdings Pte Ltd, Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation Ltd, Keppel Capital Holdings Pte Ltd, and Alpha Investment Partners Ltd, and also holds directorship in a few other Keppel companies.
In addition, Mr Loh is a member of the Board of Trustees of the National University of Singapore and a Council Member of the Singapore Business Federation.
Source : MTI.
Source : MTI.
Mr Loh Boon Chye, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Exchange Ltd
Mr Loh Boon Chye is the CEO of Singapore Exchange (SGX) and an Executive and Non-Independent Director on the SGX Board.
Apart from his directorship on the SGX Board from 2003 to 2012, he has also been a Director on the Board of GIC Pte Ltd since 2012. He is a council member and Distinguished Fellow at the Institute of Banking & Finance Singapore.
Source : MTI.
Source : MTI.
MTI has also announced that these following board members have stepped down upon the completion of their term on 31 January 2017:

  • Mr Vinod Kumar, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, Tata Communications Ltd.
  • Mr Tan Pheng Hock, Advisor, ST Engineering Ltd.
  • Mr Mark Nelson, Vice President, Strategic Planning, Chevron Corporation.


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