During a visit to MediaCorp on Saturday (28 January), Minister of State at the Ministry of Communications and Information, Chee Hong Tat  said that he thanks MediaCorp for bringing good quality news and entertainment programmes to Singaporeans.
“With news and entertainment shifting online, we have to continue to work hard to build up capabilities, on our online digital capabilities, so that we’re able to continue to reach out to Singaporeans through this platform,” he noted
The Minister said, “In the common environment where things are happening very fast and we have different sources of news, I think it’s critical for us to continue to have a credible national broadcaster that Singaporeans can turn to as credible and reliable source of news.”
He then added, “And also to understand what’s happening around them both locally and (in) the region.”
“And I think this is where the national broadcaster like Mediacorp can play an important role. We have to continue to work with Mediacorp, support capability developments so that we’re able to bring good quality programmes (and) good quality news through different platforms – whether it’s broadcast TV or online,” he ended.

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