Singapore Police Force (SPF) has arrested a person in a blue Prius who went viral recently for driving recklessly on the road of the country.
The Police said that a 23-year-old male driver has been arrested for the offence of Dangerous Driving on 23 January 2017.
On 20 January 2017, at about 5.45 pm, the Police said that the man was believed to have weaved through traffic dangerously along PIE towards Tuas in a blue motorcar. A police report was lodged on 22 January 2017 and he was identified and arrested the next day.
Earlier, videos of the car was posted on Beh Chia Lor Facebook page which shows the car zoomed through other cars at high speed.

One of the netizens, Gabriel Lim, commented that he also encountered this particular driver on PIE exiting Sims Ave, saying that despite a distance behind, the blue Prius driver sped up to match Mr Gabriel’s speed in a bid to prevent him from filtering in and it turned out that the driver was going into PIE instead.
“Blue Prius with dozens of gauge meters on the dash driven by a mid to late 20s Chinese punk with short hair and specs. A ball-less one too whom don’t even dare to look me in the eye when we were side by side,” he wrote.
However, another netizen pointed the danger of hogging the road like shown in the second video.
Skyy Sia wrote that instead of focusing only on the Prius or the authorities, we all should also take a moment to note this silver sedan driving at pretty much the same speed as the motorbike in the middle lane while in the overtaking lane.
He noted that the video clearly shows this silver sedan hogging the overtaking lane, cruising in it and not actually overtaking, saying that it is perhaps because of his predictable driving pace (and consistent hogging) that the Prius decided to (recklessly or not) manoeuvre through the gap between it and the motorbike.
“If this person would instead opt to cruise behind the motorbike, or speed up slightly and overtake the motorbike then fall back into lane 2 as a responsible road user would, then the Mercedes behind can perhaps do the same, and the Prius would have no need of performing a stunt such as this,” he wrote.
“Alternatively, if the sedan and the Mercedes behind it were both overtaking at a brisk pace (e.g. 120 km/h), the Prius may be discouraged to pull such a stunt due to the fact that the gap between the motorbike and the sedan would have closed by the time it arrived to enter the gap,” he added.
Judging from the Prius’s driving, he noted that the driver (regardless how reckless) is not incompetent. Performing these “reckless” maneuvers require a very high amount of awareness. These drivers exist and will do these maneuvers regardless.
What all other road users can do is to also be aware and ensure that we are not creating the conditions that cause these fast and furious drivers to execute these manoeuvres, like what the silver sedan is doing.
“Before swearing at only the Prius or the authorities, let us also take this as a reminder in awareness that we ourselves play a part in road safety by being more aware of ourselves on the road. We can not directly control other people and if they choose to be reckless, but we can control our own actions to mitigate the danger,” Mr Skyy ended.
Source : Skyy Sia.
Source : Skyy Sia.
The Police alerts members of the public that motorists caught for Dangerous Driving under Section 64(1) of the Road Traffic Act, Chapter 276 will upon conviction, lose their driving licences and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $3,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or both and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both.

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