Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) has announced that it has come to its attention that there had been online reports circulating about the availability of coloured and strawberry-flavoured methamphetamine targeted at the young.
CNB states that the advisory on the “strawberry quick” did not come from the bureau and it has not come across any cases of strawberry-flavoured methamphetamine in Singapore in recent years.
While there is no specific information about “strawberry quick”, CNB urges parents to remind their children that drugs are harmful. Unscrupulous traffickers may seek to disguise the harmful nature of drugs by making them look like candy or foodstuff.
There were messages spread on social media which alerted parents that there were this new form of drugs which are given to students in school yards and schools.
The alert said that it is a kind of crystal methamphetamine or ‘crystal meth’ which comes in tablets. They are called strawberry meth or strawberry kick. They come in various Flavours as well.
“Kids who take these are being rushed to the hospital,” it said.

Source : Facebook.
Source : Facebook.
Source : Facebook.
Source : Facebook.
However, CNB noted that methamphetamine is highly addictive and is a strong stimulant. It has a very strong effect on the central nervous system and can lead to psychosis, depression, hallucinations and depression.
Methamphetamine in its crystallised form is known as methamphetamine hydrochloride. It usually comes in the form of a colourless and odourless crystal that resembles glass fragments or shiny blue-white “rocks” of various sizes. This is why it is more commonly known as ‘Ice’ in Singapore. Methamphetamine also comes in tablet form (Commonly known as ‘Crazy Horse Pill’ or ‘Ya ba’).
It also noted that if members of the public come across such suspected substances or drug sales, please alert CNB and it will look into the matter.
Members of the public can call CNB at 1800 325 6666 (24 hours) or email the bureau at [email protected].

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