There was a flash flood which took place along Upper Thomson road today (19 January) afternoon as heavy rain poured.
Land Transport Authority (LTA) tweeted that the flood is affecting the Seletar Expressway after Jalan Pelatina and the traffic is backed up till MacRitchie Viaduct.
lta flood1lta flood2lta flood3lta flood4lta flood5lta flood6
Some netizens posted videos and pictures of the flood on their Twitter or Facebook account.
Ricky Gabriel and Tanvi Arora posted the video of the incident and posted them online. Tanvi said that her video was taken from bus 855.

There also some pictures posted by Mr Ricky, Vinnie Classroom, and Dextre Jabez Teh on their Facebook account. Vinnie said that his pictures were taken when the rain was just started.
This is the second time that Upper Thomson road experienced flooding, the prior incident is during the Christmas Eve last year. Public Utilities Board (PUB) had earlier announced on Tuesday that it will be taking action against
Land Transport Authority contractor Sato Kogyo after it discovered the firm had carried out unauthorised works that affected the public drainage system and caused the Christmas Eve flood in the Upper Thomson Road area. It has asked the firm to carry out rectifications to improve drainage in the area.
According to media, LTA has asked the firm, which is involved in MRT works there, to expedite canal widening works along Upper Thomson Road and Jalan Keli to enhance the drainage system and improve overall flood resilience in the area. “Once the canal is complete in the third quarter of 2017, it will enhance flood protection for the area,” it added.
Source : Vinnie Classroon Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroom Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroon Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroom Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroon Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroom Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroon Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroom Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroon Facebook account.
Source : Vinnie Classroom Facebook account.
Source : Ricky Gabriel Facebook account.
Source : Ricky Gabriel Facebook account.
Source : Ricky Gabriel Facebook account.
Source : Ricky Gabriel Facebook account.
Source : Ricky Gabriel Facebook account.
Source : Ricky Gabriel Facebook account.
Source : Dextre Jabez teh Facebook account.
Source : Dextre Jabez teh Facebook account.
This is the second time in two months that such accident occurred. The first happened in December 2016 during Christmas Eve.

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