Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA)  has announced that a 26 year-old Singapore Permanent Resident, Wang Jun, was sentenced in Court today to undergo Mandatory Treatment Order for 24 months for animal cruelty.
AVA said that on 28 September 2016, she was charged for one count of animal cruelty to her pet dog.
On 30 August 2016, AVA said that it was alerted to a case of a woman killing her pet dog in her residence. AVA’s investigation revealed that Wang Jun had sat on her pet dog, covered its mouth and hit its neck to stop it from barking.
AVA said that she only released the dog after realising that it was foaming from its mouth. By then, it had died.
Under the Animals and Birds Act, anyone found guilty of animal cruelty can be fined up to $15,000 and/or jailed up to 18 months, or both for the first offence. For non-compliance with dog licensing & control rules, individuals are liable to a maximum fine of $5,000 upon conviction.
AVA said that safeguarding animal welfare is a shared social responsibility which requires the cooperation of all stakeholders, including the public.
While it continues to ensure that the necessary enforcement action is taken and raise awareness on animal welfare, AVA noted that members of the public can play their part by being vigilant.
Members of the public should promptly report cases of animal cruelty to AVA via its 24-hour hotline, 1800-476-1600 or via AVA’s website ( All information shared with AVA will be held in the strictest confidence.

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