Land transport Authority (LTA) has announced that all foreign-registered cars will have to pay a Reciprocal Road Charge (RRC) of S$6.40 per-entry when they enter Singapore via the Tuas or Woodlands Checkpoint starting from 15 February 2017.
It noted that the RRC mirrors Malaysia’s Road Charge of RM20 per entry for non-Malaysia registered cars entering Johor, which was implemented on 1 November 2016.
LTA said that the RRC will be collected together with the Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP), toll charges and fixed Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) fees upon departure at the Tuas or Woodlands Checkpoint.
It said that signs have been put up to remind motorists to pay for the applicable charges by inserting their Autopass Card or CashCard into the card readers at the immigration booths.
Motorists can also obtain more information from leaflets at LTA’s offices at the Checkpoints, or online.
LTA stated that it has imposed stiffer penalties on motorists who evade payment of the tolls, fees and charges since 1 August 2016.
First-time offenders are liable to pay a composition sum of $50, while repeat offenders will have to pay $100. Motorists who do not pay the composition sum may be charged in court and are liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding S$1,000, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months for the first offence.


VEP fees apply to all foreign-registered cars and motorcycles that enter Singapore.
Foreign-registered cars and motorcycles are required to pay daily VEP fees for each day the vehicles are kept or used in Singapore.
Since 1 August 2014, VEP fee for foreign-registered cars has been set as S$35 per day. VEP fee for foreign-registered motorcycles had remained at S$4. Motorists can still drive into Singapore for 10 VEP free days per calendar year. There is also no change to the VEP operating hours.

* During the Singapore mid-year and year-end school holidays, VEP fees will apply from 2am – 12pm.
* During the Singapore mid-year and year-end school holidays, VEP fees will apply from 2am – 12pm.

Toll charges are calculated on a per trip basis.

  • Tuas Checkpoint – Arrival and departure toll charges are applicable.
  • Woodlands Checkpoint – With effect from 1 October 2014, departure toll charges will be revised and arrival toll charges will be introduced.
* Vans/Light Goods Vehicles are defined as those having 2 axles or 6 wheels or less.
* Vans/Light Goods Vehicles are defined as those having 2 axles or 6 wheels or less.
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