Waterway Cascadia

Lifts at the new Build-To-Order (BTO) flats at Waterway Cascadia which located in Punggol broke down for about four hours on Tuesday (10 January).
Lianhe Wanbao reported that all four lifts at Blocks 314A and 314B broke down at around 5pm. Residents said that the disruptions have been happening at least once a month since September last year.
The lifts are manufactured and maintained by lift company Sigma Elevator.
Housing and Development Board (HDB) had earlier announced that lift manufacturer Sigma has been barred from tendering for new HDB projects since October 2015 for being unable to fully adhere to the timeline of lift installations for certain projects.
HDB stated that said its decision is part of a procedure to “restrict poor performing contractors from tendering for new HDB projects.” Therefore, Sigma can focus on completing the installation of lifts and improving the performance of the installed lifts under its current contract.
A spokesman for the Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council said that the fire protection system at both blocks had been activated falsely, saying, “Immediate attention was given to the source of the issue, in this case, the fire protection system after we received the feedback, after which, the lift technician followed up to check on the lifts.”
The spokesman told Wanbao that the Town Council is currently investigating the cause of the activation of the fire protection system.
He said, “As the fire protection system is still under the defects liability period, we have instructed the main contractor to carry out testing and to ensure that the false activation of the fire protection system does not recur.”
In an interview with Wanbao, a 35-year-old market researcher Resident Pan Zheny said that a neighbour told him about the breakdown via a WhatsApp group chat.
He then decided to just go and have dinner and returned at 7pm. However, the elevators were still not working.
He waited until after 8pm before a lift maintenance worker turn up. By that time, more than 10 residents gathered at the void deck to wait for the lifts to be repaired.
“The block is 18 floors high and I live on the 17th floor. It’s really not easy to climb that high, so I could only wait patiently. I got home after 9pm, after the lifts were fixed,” he said.
Meanwhile, a 56-year-old resident who wished to be called Mr Huang said in an interview with Wanbao that he waited for four hours for the lifts to be fix, saying that he had gone home at about 6pm when he was told that the lifts were down.
Mr Huang said, “I waited outside for four hours and went home only after 10pm. Actually, the lifts have been breaking down at least once a month since September last year. This has been very inconvenient for us, but we’re also used to it by now.”
Sun Xueling, MP of Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, visited the affected blocks on Wednesday (11 January).
She wrote on her Facebook page on Wednesday (12 January), “The fire alarm at Block 314B Cascadia had gone off twice (Tuesday) evening bringing lifts at Block 314B to a stop as a safety measure.”
“I have asked for an incident report from the agencies and the lift contractor as to why it took so long to reset the lifts thereafter as it had severely inconvenienced residents and could have had dire consequences if someone had been ill during the incident,” she said.
In October last year, a resident of Waterway Cascadia, Jeremy Phua, had earlier written a letter to media outlets, hoping that they can help to publicise the frustrations and agony that the residents of the housing estate have been going through ever since they moved in.
According to Phua, the residents of the new BTO project started receiving their keys in the beginning of the year and home renovations are still ongoing with less than 50% occupancy rate at the moment.
Phua received his keys in May and moved in September after the renovations are completed. Although It has been just over a month or so, but he has been calling Town Council, EMS almost every other day because of the lift issues his block is having. However, the lift issue is not just with Phua’s block but also the other blocks in the estate.
Phua states that the lift will often get stuck at various levels and stop working. And more often than not, they will stop at a level and the doors cannot close fully. Residents have to push both sides of the door to get it closed so that it continues moving. This happens at every level the lift stops at. Despite the estate being not even fully occupied, yet such issues still come up. Phua’s block is 18-storey high, each level having around 10 units and served by only 2 lifts.
There were also 80 people signing a petition for the lifts to be replaced as they concern that the glitches could pose a safety hazard.

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总理调高退休、重新雇佣年龄 淡马亚揶揄形同鼓励“工作致死”

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不曾与外籍人士竞争过工作 “纸将军”有资格谈不公雇佣现象?

犹记得今年初,工人党党魁毕丹星在国会询问,从2015至2018年,新加坡公民和永久居民就业率的对比。他也提及通常政府把“本地人”都涵括公民和永久居民。 对此,贸工部长陈振声直言:“我可以给你数据,但这么问背后意义又是什么?” 如今他应该知道其意义所在,有关不公平雇佣现象,和外国人在部分企业中占据优势的争议愈发增加,甚至连全国职工总会的秘书长黄志明也已警觉而现身表态,指政府需要缩紧就业准证(Employment Pass)政策。 讽刺的是,陈振声和黄志明都不曾与任何外国人竞争过任何工作,他们在军旅稳健建功勋,但他们是否能够感同身受,经历新加坡劳工的担忧和恐惧,而且这些焦虑长期笼罩着工友们的生活? 陈振声也在表示,必须为新加坡疫情后的发展规划新的方向。但除了帮助企业适应以外,我们也必须直面体制的问题,包括是否还要继续委派前将领们,打理国家经济?这么做仍凑效,或已不合时宜? 是什么让前将领自居国家领导职务? 为何部队俨然成了未来国家高级领导的重大培育平台?这是需要重新思考并彻底进行改革。 不少人民行动党的成员都有军旅背景,其中包括政务部长陈国明和严晓芳,还有精英阶层的高级政治官员,均未面对过与外籍人士的就业竞争。 除了内阁以外,数十年来,这些将领们一直渗透到人民的生活中,包括人民协会、全国职工总会、行政机构甚至是淡马锡控股等相关组织。 其中一个典型的例子即为前将军伍逸松,在他从部队退役后,加入淡马锡控股,随后还成为东方海皇(Neptune Orient…