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Singapore Police Force (SPF) has announced that it had arrested a 16-year-old youth for her suspected involvement in several cases of online purchase scams.
The police said that since 28 September 2016, it has received several reports from victims who were purportedly cheated after placing orders for slimming cream online.
It said that the victims had come across the online advertisement selling the product at attractive prices on Carousell. The seller became evasive and did not deliver the goods after the victims transferred money to her for the purchases.
Officers from Central Division conducted extensive follow-up investigations to establish the identity of the suspect and arrested her on Monday (9 January).
Investigations against the suspect are ongoing.
Anyone found guilty of the offence of Cheating under Section 420 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224, may be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years, and shall also be liable to fine.
Members of the public are advised to adopt the following measures to avoid falling victim to online purchase scams:

  • Make your online purchases only from reputable vendors.
  • If advanced payments are necessary, only transact with people you know and trust.
  • Check that the person or company you are buying from is physically located where they claim to be.
  • Check the company or seller’s track record. Make enquiries with the clients and customers about the service they received from the seller.
  • Never give your bank account numbers, credit card numbers and personal information to anyone you do not know or have not checked out.
  • Do not provide any information that is not necessary to make the purchase.
  • Be mindful that scammers may use a local bank account for the transaction to enhance their credibility. The owner of the bank account may not be the person communicating with you online.
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