Students preparing for GCE O-Level (Source : Nanyang Language and Bussiness School).

Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that 30,292 school candidates who sat for the 2016 Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level) examination, 99.9% of them have been awarded certificates, which was said to be the highest achievement since at least three decades.
The results of the 2016 GCE O-Level examination for school candidates are as follows, which are comparable to that of 2015.
There were 30,292 students sat for 2016’s examination, up from 29,723 who sat in 2015.
Of 30,292 students who sat for the examination, 30,262 or 99.99 percent passed one or more GCE O-Level. 29,221 or 96.5 percent passed three or more GCE O-Level.
While, 25,551 or 84.3 percent passed the examination, which was said to be the highest since 1995.
MOE has also mentioned that 1,865 private candidates who had also sat for the 2016 GCE O-Level examination, 90.2% of them have been awarded certificates.
MOE stressed that students should take into consideration their interests, abilities and passion when exploring the various education pathways available after their O-Level examination. They are encouraged to speak with their parents, teachers, and ECG Counsellors for guidance in making an informed decision.
In addition, the Ministry stated that students may wish to refer to, an interactive web-based ECG portal hosted by the Ministry of Education. The portal provides up-to-date information on the education options and career development pathways available to students and points them to a range of suitable education and career possibilities. Students may use the portal to match their interests and aptitudes to courses and careers.
MOE also said that to complement the ECG programmes and services provided by schools, students who do not yet have an ECG Counsellor in their schools may book an appointment to see an ECG Counsellor at the ECG Centre@MOE (Grange Road) to help them make informed education choices. Appointments can be made via email: [email protected] or the ECG hotline at 6831 1420.

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