Source : Leong Tony Facebook account.

The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) has stated that the charge against the man who drove against traffic on the Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE) last month has been upgraded to one of culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
The traffic caused the death of another driver, injured three other motorists, as well as causing several serious damages to other vehicles
AGC said that Lim Chai Heng, 53, could now be jailed up to 10 years, fined, and caned. In a comparison with his previous charge of causing death by reckless or dangerous driving carried a maximum jail term of five years.
The Police said that preliminary investigations revealed that the suspect was travelling along AYE towards Tuas Checkpoint during morning rush hour where he was believed to have made a U-turn and travelled against the flow of traffic along AYE (Tuas).
Lim then collided into several vehicles, including four cars, one motorcycle and one private bus. The wall of the expressway before Tuas West Road exit was also severely damaged.
As a result of the accident, a 37-year-old man died at the scene and four others were conveyed to the National University Hospital (NUH).
The suspect was subsequently charged in NUH, where he was warded for his injuries. The holding charge was read to Lim by a Chinese interpreter.
The victim who passed away, Mr Liong Kuo Hwa, was a media personality. He had appeared in several films, television programmes and commercials. Sadly, he was pronounced dead at the scene by the paramedics.
His 37-year-old wife, who was in the car with him, along with a rider and his pillion, was conveyed to the hospital and has been warded at NUH.
Lim was represented by lawyer Henry Lim and will be remanded for psychiatric evaluation at Complex Medical Centre in Changi Prison until 24 January.
Lim was supposed to go for the psychiatric evaluation at the Complex Medical Centre in Changi Prison after he was first charged. However, he was not discharged from hospital in time.
He will return to court for further mention on 24 January.

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