Victor wong (second from right) along with PAP MPs during a town council dialog session in 2014 (Photo – AMKTC)

Straits Times on the early morning of Friday released the news of the removal of the general manager and secretary of Ang Mo Kio Town Council (AMKTC), Mr Victor Wong Chee Meng from his duties and him being placed under investigation by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).

AMKTC manages the estate in Ang Mo Kio GRC and is run by People’s Action Party (PAP) and the Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s constituency ward.


Signatures of PAP MP, Ang Hin Kee and Victor Wong on the Financial Report 2015/16
Signatures of PAP MP, Ang Hin Kee and Victor Wong on the Financial Report 2015/16

Mr Wong had been acting as the General Manager/Secretary for the AMKTC since 2013, under the employment of CPG Facilities Management, which is the appointed managing agent of the town council.

Mr Lim Kian Chiong, another employee of CPG Facilities Management, has been appointed as an acting general manager to replace Mr Wong. According to Straits Times, there had been a notice of the appointment published last month in the Government Gazette.

Straits Times reported that Mr Wong had been asked to go on leave by his company after the town council received a complaint about him in September, according to information provided by PAP Member of Parliament and town council chairman, Mr Ang Hin Kee.

Mr Ang also added that the case had been referred to the CPIB and Mr Wong was removed from his positions at the town council last month due to an earlier complaint that was received in September about Mr Wong concerning “the way he handles contracts and dealings in the town council”. He noted that the complaint “arose out of his dealings which relates to probable behaviour needing investigation done by CPIB”.

Mr Ang was quoted to have said, “Needless to say, the town council ourselves will render all the assistance needed to ensure zero tolerance for corruption…There’s responsibility on the part of our contractors to do the job properly, if they do it inappropriately then we will take follow up actions with regards to getting them replaced (and) sending the case for investigation, making sure the necessary steps are taken.”

While declining to reveal more details onto the case due to ongoing investigation by CPIB, Mr Ang notes that the town council constantly reminded its staff to declare any interests concerning tenders that the town council was awarding.

Mr Ang further noted to Straits Times that activities in the town council have not been affected by the investigations and they have made sure that people on the ground continue to do their work supervised.

Mr Wong was a recipient of the Public Service Medal in 2007 for his service as the Assistant Treasurer in the Serangoon Community Centre Managing Committee.

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