Source : Lianhe Zaobao.

During lunch time on Wednesday (28 December), one of the ceilings of Jurong East shopping mall Jem was leaking for more than three hours, leaving water puddles inside the building as reported by Lianhe Zaobao.

It said that the leak started from 12.35pm at the first floor near the concierge, which forced one of its clothing stores to shut its door due to the leak.

Zaobao visited the mall then talked to the employees there who said that the leak actually occurred a night before, though it was not as bad as the one which happened recently.

During its visit, Zaobao found a small section closed off, with workers fixing and cleaning the ceiling.

There were quite many incidents on the building. The opening of the mall itself was delayed due to tenant permit issues.

On 14 August 2013, three employees manning the Ready-to-Eat counter at the NTUC FairPrice Xtra store in Jemshopping centre suffered minor burns when a deep fryer caught fire.

On 17 August 2013, a car caught fire at the Basement 2 carpark area of the mall.

On 18 September 2013, three people were injured after part of the first-floor ceiling of the mall collapsed. It was believed that a leaking water-pipe caused the incident.

On 29 November 2013 evening, a glass door of the mall shattered.

On 21 March 2014, the shopping centre were affected by an 11-hour power failure.

At about 1pm on 17 June 2014, there was a malfunction with the water sprinkler. Water was continuously sprayed over 10 minutes from level 2 onward to the ground floor.

In early 2015, Saladworks, which was located on the second floor, was flooded when a blocked waste pipe caused a backflow of water into the store.

In June 2015, there was a leak on the kitchen waste pipe that splashed waste water on diners at Din Tai Fung restaurant on the second floor.

On 11 March 2016, there was a leak onto the mall’s third floor which smelled like “kitchen waste”.


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