Public Service Division (PSD) has announced the appointment of three civil servants to take on new positions in various ministries.

Mr Ng How Yue, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Law, will be appointed to be Second Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health on 1 January 2017.

PSD noted that he will work with Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health to support the priorities and programmes of the Ministry.

Mr Ng How Yue, 46, has held various appointments in the Civil Service, including Director-General of Singapore Customs in 2003, and Deputy Secretary (Trade) in the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 2007.

Mr Ng was appointed Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister in 2008. He was appointed Second Permanent Secretary (Trade and Industry) in October 2011 and has been Permanent Secretary (Law) since December 2014.

Mr Aubeck Kam, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Manpower, will relinquish his concurrent appointment of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Information on 1 January 2017. He will continue to be Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Manpower.

Mr Aubeck Kam, 46, held various appointments in the Singapore Police Force including Commander, Ang Mo Kio Police Division and Director (Operations).  He served in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Manpower as its Deputy Secretary before his appointment as Chief Executive Officer, Media Development Authority in 2010.

He was appointed Permanent Secretary (Communications and Information) in November 2012 and concurrently Permanent Secretary (Manpower) in May 2016.

Mr Gabriel Lim, Second Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Information and Chief Executive Officer, Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA), will relinquish his IMDA appointment and be re-designated Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Information on the same date.

Mr Gabriel Lim, 40, held various appointments in the Ministry of Defence, Public Service Division/Civil Service College and Ministry of Health before his appointment as the Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister in 2011. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer, Media Development Authority in 2014.

In preparation for the establishment of the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Mr Lim was designated Chief Executive Officer-Designate, IMDA from May 2016 to Sep 2016, and Chief Executive Officer, IMDA when IMDA was established in Oct 2016. He has been Second Permanent Secretary (Communications and Information) since May 2016.

A Permanent Secretary’s salary is about 1.7 million a year. This was not revised during the last Ministerial pay review.

From left : Mr Ng How Yue, Mr Aubeck Kam and Mr Gabriel Lim Source : Channel News Asia).
From left : Mr Ng How Yue, Mr Aubeck Kam and Mr Gabriel Lim Source : Channel News Asia).
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