Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) has announced on Friday (23 December) that it had made a formal representation to Hong Kong three weeks ago over the issue of the detention of the SAF Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICV) which was detained in Hong Kong on 23 November.

The Ministry said that over the past three weeks, the Singapore Government has communicated its formal position to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) on the detention of the vehicles and associated equipment by the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department

“We await a full resolution of this matter and return of our property by the Hong Kong SAR Government,” it wrote in a press statement.

The vehicles and equipment were on the way back to Singapore on a ship run by shipping line APL, and were in transit in Hong Kong, when they were being detained.

The customs had investigated the ship that the vehicles were on, via a tip off. When investigated, there is no data of where the ICVs were exported from, who the ICVs belonged to and other documentation info. It was later that MINDEF acknowledged that the ICVs belonged to the Singapore Armed Forces.

Under the strategic trade control system of Hong Kong, the Trade and Industry Department implements licensing control on both import and export of strategic commodities into and out of the Hong Kong territory. In addition, it imposes licensing control for transhipment and certain sensitive articles in transit.

APL had three meetings with Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department to resolve the issue. However, MINDEF said earlier that, unfortunately, it has not been provided formal reasons as yet for the detention of the Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICV).

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“我们的教育体制已然过时,无法让孩子们准备好应付未来,迫切需要改革。” 民主党上周六(13日)在该党总部推介《为创新和平等教育:转型的议程》,由该党主席淡马亚和今年初新近入党的方月光主持推介会。 方月光指出,现有的教育制度仍倚重考试和死记硬背,并无助于学生去适应现今越发强调创意、创新的环境。 他也认为现有制度也导致国内的不均加剧,密集的课纲导致老师面对需完成指定教程的压力,也没办法顾及学生是否有已理解。 结果,为了让孩子们跟上,家长们不得不让孩子上补习班,也间接造就了利润丰厚的行业。但是较有能力的家庭更能负担得起昂贵的补习班,这也致使清寒家庭处在劣势,进而加剧社会鸿沟。 对此,淡马亚提出该党的对于改革教育的献议,其中包括培养学生独立和批判思考能力。“我们理应教育我们的孩子如何思考,而不是该思考什么。”在现今资讯弹指间即可顺手拈来,死记硬背显然已不合时宜。 民主党也呼吁废除小六会考(PSLE),并以扩充课程来补充,该党相信这有助于减低教学工作负荷。“这能让学生更为丰富他们的学习经验,为未来做好准备,成为更为全方位、有智慧的个体。” 至于班级方面,减少至不超过20名学生,来加强师生之间的互动。 该党也提出应取消掉班级和学校的名次排名,学校也不应依据考试结果,来为学生分班。民主党相信,这可减少不均加剧。 “教育不应只局限于和同学竞争,而是以团队合作精神来促进学习。”淡马亚表示。为了跻身排名最佳学校争个头破血流是很不健康的,且根据心理专家,这对于孩子的身心灵发展可能造成心理伤害。 民主党称,教育应该是个人探索自我的过程,个人学习和发掘自我,与此同时致力改善社会和人类福祉。理应鼓励孩子们透过学习、玩乐发掘潜能、培养喜爱阅读的兴趣,而不是强迫他们学习。

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