Bunch of old mobile phones from Shutterstock.com

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) has announced that it will de-register 2G-only mobile devices for sale for use in Singapore from 1 January 2017.

It stated that retailers and equipment suppliers will not be allowed to sell 2G-only mobile devices to consumers for use in Singapore from the date. Those with a Dealer’s Individual Licence (DIL) may continue to sell 2G-only mobile devices for export purposes and/or overseas use only.

Mobile Devices can include mobile phones, point-of-sales terminals, machine-to-machine equipment, etc.

IMDA said that this is a continuation of the process towards the cessation of 2G networks and provision of 2G mobile services by Mobile Network Operators (MNO) with effect from 1 April 2017.

It also noted that the retirement of the legacy 2G networks will allow IMDA to re-allocate scarce radio frequency spectrum to meet the increasing demand for higher-speed mobile data and more advanced mobile services with rich multi-media content for consumers.

IMDA will work with the three MNOs – M1, Singtel and StarHub – to continue to facilitate the migration of 2G users to 3G or 4G networks.

“Customers with 2G mobile phones may upgrade their devices while still maintaining their current plans and prices with no additional subscription costs. All MNOs currently offer low-cost 3G mobile phones, and affected users are advised to call or approach their MNOs for further assistance,” it wrote.

IMDA said that it strongly encourages consumers and enterprises to replace their 2G-only mobile devices with 3G or 4G-capable mobile devices before 1 April 2017 to avoid disruption to their mobile services.

It also alerts retailers and equipment suppliers who are found to be in breach of its DIL licence condition for selling unregistered 2G-only mobile devices for local use could face a financial penalty.

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