Former building where Attorney General’s Chamber is situated. (Photo – Terry Xu)

Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) has announced the appointment of Mr Kwek Mean Luck as the Solicitor-General and Ms Mavis Chionh as the Second Solicitor-General of the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) with effect from 14 January 2017.

Mr Kwek, 43, who takes over from Solicitor-General Lionel Yee Woon Chin, took up law at the University of Cambridge on an Overseas Merit Scholarship from the Public Service Commission. He graduated with a First Class Honours degree in 1995. Later, he obtained a Master of Laws from Harvard University under the Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship in 2000.

Mr Kwek began his career in law as a Legal Service Officer. He has also held several appointments in the Administrative Service, including Deputy Secretary (Industry) in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Deputy Secretary (Development) in the Public Service Division of the Prime Minister’s Office, and Dean and Chief Executive of the Civil Service College.

He rejoined the Legal Service and was appointed the Second Solicitor-General on 1 July 2015.

Meanwhile, Ms Chionh, 47, graduated from the University of Oxford with a First Class Honours degree in 1991. She got a Master of Laws (LLM) degree in Chinese Law from the National University of Singapore in 2005.

Ms Chionh started her legal career as a Justices’ Law Clerk in the Supreme Court in 1991. She appointed to be a Senior Counsel in 2015 and Third Solicitor-General from 1 August 2016.

Attorney-General, V.K. Rajah, 59, said that he has known and worked with both the appointees for a substantial period of time.

He said, “Mean Luck’s skills, experience and track record make him more than well qualified to take on the responsibilities of the Solicitor-General.”

Mr Rajah said that Ms Chionh’s appointment is both “a recognition of her contributions as well as an affirmation that she will play a significant role in leading AGC towards institutional excellence”.

The current Attorney-General, Mr Rajah will be succeeded by top corporate lawyer Lucien Wong, 63, from 14 January 2017. He said that the appointments assure him that he “will be leaving AGC with a very strong leadership team in place”.

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