Source : Best Viral Videos Facebook account.

A 23-year-old man was arrested on Sunday (27 November) due to a slashing incident involving a 28-year-old man.

According to The Straits Times, the victim, Mr Yeo Zhen Jie, had a terrible wound on his neck which made him bleed very heavily.

The police has classified the case as “voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous means”. It also said that investigations are ongoing.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said they were alerted to the scene at 5.50am at 150 Orchard Road. Its spokesman said that the victim was semi-concious when the ambulance arrived at the scene. He was then taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Pictures of the victim were posted on Best Viral Videos Facebook account on Monday past midnight. A picture shows the victim lying in a pool of blood. One picture shows a paramedic pressed a sheet of tissue onto his wound. Another shows him being taken away by the paramedics.

Source : Best Viral Video Facebook account.
Source : Best Viral Video Facebook account.

Netizens presume that the accident occurred outside Thai disco Starz on the fourth floor. However, the place highlighted that the customers were theirs and posted that the victim and the suspect were customers of the Thai food café and are not linked to the club.

Source : Starz Singapore.
Source : Starz Singapore.
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