Man Fogging mosquito to prevent of dengue fever from

Dengue cases dropped as only 72 cases were diagnosed between 13 and 19 November according to the figures by the National Environment Agency (NEA).

This weekly figure is 12 cases fewer than last week. As of 3 pm on 21 November, it said that another 19 cases were reported.

Source : NEA.
Source : NEA.

The total people infected with dengue have reached 12,698 cases. This has exceeded the total cases reported on the whole 2015 with 11,286 cases.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) warned that the number of cases this year might reach more than 30,000 cases, almost double the number of 11,286 cases reported in 2015. This means that this year will be marked as the highest cases report in history, exceeding 22,170 cases reported in 2013, based on the speed of infections in the start of the year.

However, this is unlikely to happen since the number of the cases has declined sharply during the past two months.

Currently, there are eight active dengue clusters across the island, with no area classified as high risk, as the last high risk cluster at Yishun Avenue 4 and Yishun Street 61 had announced to be closed last week.

Source : NEA.
Source : NEA.

On 7 November, an 81-year-old boy who lived in Mandai Estate passed away due to dengue infection at the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH). This has brought the total victims who succumb to dengue fever this year to nine, twice the number recorded in 2015.

The same mosquito vector which transmits dengue also transmits Zika, yellow fever, and Chikungunya. The vector control implemented will also help to prevent Zika and other vector borne diseases from taking roots in the country.

On 4 October, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) had approved the use of dengue vaccines.

According to HSA, two groups of experts from HSA’s Medicines Advisory Committee and Dengue Expert Panel, comprising medical doctors and infectious diseases specialists, were consulted during the review to ensure that the vaccine is relevant and the benefits outweigh the risks for the Singapore population.

Members of the public are still encouraged to do the 5-step Mozzie workout.

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