Rain umbrella from Shutterstock.com

Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) has announced that members of the public should expect higher rainfall in November.

It said for the rest of November 2016, the wet weather experienced in the first fortnight of the month are expected to persist. Thundery showers, heavy at times, are forecast mostly in the afternoon and evening on six to eight days. In addition, widespread thundery showers accompanied by gusty winds can be expected between the predawn and early morning on one or two days during the period.

“The prevailing inter-monsoon conditions are expected to persist over Singapore and the surrounding region in the second fortnight of November 2016,” it wrote.

Based on long-term statistics, November is the second wettest month in the year after December. The rainfall for November 2016 is forecast to be above normal.

For the rest of the month, the daily maximum temperature on most days is forecast to be around 32°C or 33°C. On rainy days, cooler nights are expected with the daily minimum temperature ranging between 22°C and 23°C.

The Weather Review between 1 and 15 November 2016

According to MSS, Singapore and the surrounding region experienced inter-monsoon conditions, and the low level winds were generally light and variable in direction in the first fortnight of November 2016.

Some cool days were experienced during the first two weeks of the month due to rainy conditions. On rainy days, the lowest daily minimum temperature recorded ranged between 21.9°C and 22.8°C. The highest daily maximum temperature recorded during the review period was between 33.2°C and 34.4°C. At the Changi climate station, the mean daily maximum temperature recorded in the first half of November 2016 was 30.7°C, which is 0.4°C below the long-term mean for November.

MSS noted that in the first week of November 2016, the eastward passage of Sumatra squalls from the Strait of Malacca brought widespread moderate to heavy thundery showers over Singapore in the pre-dawn hours and early morning on several days. With the weakening of winds in the second week of the month, moderate to heavy thundery showers fell mostly in the afternoon and evening.

The showers were heaviest on 14 November 2016, where the highest daily total rainfall recorded was 128mm over Semakau Island. Over mainland Singapore, the highest daily total rainfall recorded was 78mm over the Ulu Pandan area on 1 November 2016.

It said that most parts of Singapore received above average rainfall during the first fortnight of November 2016. The highest rainfall of 258.4mm (84 per cent above average) was recorded around the Clementi area. Rainfall was lowest around Jurong West where 93.6mm (27 per cent below average) was recorded.

Source : MSS.
Source : MSS.

For updates of the daily weather forecast, please visit our MSS website (www.weather.gov.sg), NEA website (www.nea.gov.sg), or download the myENV app or the MSS’ Weather@SG app.

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