Mandai depot (Source :

A fatal accident claimed the lives of two foreign workers at the construction site for Mandai Deport at 20 Lorong Lada Hitam on Thursday (3 November).

A spokesperson for the Land transport Authority (LTA) said that the men, who were both Bangladeshi, were hit by a reversing lorry at about 1pm. While a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) spokesperson said in a statement that officers from its Occupational Safety and Health Inspectorate were sent to the scene. Preliminary investigation said that a tipper truck, which reversed towards the area, ran over them.

A witness told The Straits Times that both men were believed to be taking a nap when the vehicle ran over them. Another worker said that both of them were sleeping on the ground, where they were not supposed to be, to take a rest. The truck driver did not see them and reserved onto them.

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said that it was alerted to the accident at 1.15pm and dispatched two ambulances to the scene. It said that one man, who is in his 30s, was pronounced dead at the scene. While another man, who is in his 40s, was taken to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. The hospital was alerted to be on stand-by to receive the patient. Unfortunately, the man eventually succumbed to his injury.

LTA said that both men worked for Gammon, the contractor responsible for fire protection and electrical works for the project at the construction site. It also said that it will work with the company, as well as main contractor Jurong Primewide, to see what can be done to assist the affected workers and their families.

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) said that a 54-year-old prime mover driver was arrested for causing death by negligence.

This accident is the second time, a fatal accident had been reported at this worksite this year. A 23-year-old construction worker, Mr Riyade Hussain, was killed after being pinned under a truss which fell from a trailer.

Photo of Mandai deport under construction from
Photo of Mandai deport under construction from

Mandai Depot is being built for the Thomson-East Coast MRT and will also house a bus depot. It is expected to be ready in 2019.

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